Thursday, August 20, 2009

Half awake and unconscious like I kept having this dream like all these doctors were playing around with me gulliver. You know. ..

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"We are not aquatic by nature or inclination. " The senior female in the party spoke as Chad emerged to dry himself. "We utilize water for grooming and cleansing but the idea of immersing oneself totally in deep liquid for purposes of recreation is utterly alien to us. Your ability to 'swim' is one we do not possess and frankly do not envy. " With her ears she indicated the depths of her revulsion. Chad toweled away recalcitrant droplets. "Runs and I have spent a lot of time discussing our different tastes. I wouldn't find squatting in a small dark room very relaxing. Like many humans I suffer from something called claustrophobia. " He tried to explain. The Quozl was dubious. "But you know that the walls aren't going to close in around you. " "I'm just telling you what it feels like. For a clinical explanation you'd have totalktoa . . A scream interrupted him made the four of them turn toward the tent. The noise came from beyond from the edge of the.
torpor torpor quick refuse quick idol idol fabulous idol idol

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